I would like to use my team-friendly software skills & constant learning to bring people together.

I have been learning        →        Skills

I have got used to learning new tools every semester to meet specific demands at different classes.
↳ The challenges at school may not parallel industrial ones, but they assure that I am willing to ever evolve.


  1. Python
  2. C
  3. Ruby
  4. Go
  5. Java


  1. Ruby on Rails web framework
  2. Flask back-end framework
  3. git
  4. Heroku cloud
  5. Terminal


  1. Agile team development
  2. Object-oriented Programming (OOP)
  3. Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  4. Test Automation
  5. RESTful APIs

I have had         →        Work Experience

Seeking my 1st full-time.


Software Development Engineer Intern

Incoming, Jun 2021 - Sept 2021

UC Berkeley

Undergraduate Student Instructor (TA)

Incoming, Aug 2020 - Dec 2020

  1. Taught Optical & Infrared Astronomy Lab to 20 junior & senior students for 8h / wk.
  2. Gave tutorials on scientific computing tools & how to write clear, optimised code.
  3. Held office hours, often answering questions about programming in Python.
My Sample Code for Students ↗︎

I have been taking        →        Classes

at UC Berkeley for a Computer Science BA degree.

Select Coursework

  1. Software Engineering
  2. Computer Architecture
  3. Artificial Intelligence
  4. Algorithms
  5. Computer Security
  6. Machines Structures
  7. Data Structures

I have had         →        Research Experience

in computational astrophysics.

Cell-based Galactic H-alpha/beta Line
Radiative Transfer Simulation

  1. Cell-based Monte-Carlo numerical simulator of photon random walks in a galaxy.
  2. Expanded legacy simulator in C, data processing & visualisation in Python.
  3. Generated & processed ~15GB of photon data.
Code ↗︎
Various photon maps for gases of different temperature phases in a simulated galaxy.

Work in progress
(   →   like the learner I am)

Pls check back   →   next week,

and check the links below   ↓.